New BP meds work wonders

I have a wrist BP monitor like this one. It causes less pain than an upper arm monitor.


I hope I am not premature to say this, but it seems my new meds have normalized my blood pressure.

Actually, I told Dr. Ricalde to put me on David’s BP regimen: Telmisartan and Triamterine HCTZ. Bingo! Jackpot! I guess this drug combination works. I need both drugs, as one drug alone is insufficient.

Other drugs like Hydralazine, Amlodipine, and Lisinopril didn’t work for me or they had bad side-effects.

Oh, I can’t tell you how relieved I am. It does help to switch meds, when previous meds are ineffective. There are so many BP drugs available these days that there is absolutely no reason to keep the status quo, especially when doing so is deleterious to your health. I’ll do anything to prevent a stroke.

18 Responses to “New BP meds work wonders”

  1. AC Says:

    I should probably get out our machine and take a reading. TG I haven’t yet required meds, but it does run higher than it once did.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …take care and stay in the pink!

  3. ValerieJael Tups Says:

    Glad the new meds are helping you to stay healthy! Hugs, Valerie

  4. davidmgascoigne Says:

    I am assuming that the doctor changed your medication for valid reasons and not because you told him to. It seems odd to me that you can visit the doctor and instruct him as to the medication you wish to have.

  5. Doug M Says:

    Gigi, I sure am happy for you that’s awesome news. I currently take 10mg amlodipine daily but boy it took at least a year adjusting to it. Swollen feet and ankles. But my doctor kept insisting I ride it out and now I’m back to normal. I need to get one of those home monitors.

  6. marmeladegypsy Says:

    Three cheers! I’m so glad, Gigi!

  7. Christine Says:

    Great news!

  8. dkzody Says:

    Yes, that stroke thing…I had been adverse to taking a statin. When my cholesterol reading hit 200, the GP wanted me to start. I had not heard good things about statins so declined. Then had all those heart tests where they found the beginnings of plaque on my carotid arteries. I agreed to a very small, 1x a week statin. Every other week works for me. Cholesterol is at 150. Everyone is happy. I too do not want to have a stroke.

  9. Elephant's Child Says:

    I am very glad for you.

  10. DJan Says:

    Glad you found something to get your BP under control. That’s an interesting monitor.

  11. Iris Empereur Says:

    Ingo has such a thing, too. I am afraid to use it as the signs are seldom good…
    Today again I´lll try to reach the doc. My problem is heart-racing.

  12. Beatrice Says:

    As you know, Gigi, high BP can lead to so many other issues, so good to read you now have it under control. I had not seen a monitor like the one shown in your post, but if it works good for you then it is a keeper.

  13. Beatrice Says:

    Gigi, your post was right on about the inconvenience that birds as far as droppings and property damage and that’s true if other animals and insects as well. So, I am not disagreeing with your position at all.

  14. Beatrice Says:

    Gigi, sorry that last comment was left on the wrong post and I could not delete it.

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