Birds: Sometimes a nuisance

I reside in suburban Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. Today, I am posting photos of birds to be seen on my street. They are all in boring shades of brown, grey or black. If you want to see really colorful birds, you’ll have to search the forests or rural areas of the islands.

A colorful Honeycreeper like this one can be found in those forests:


But, these are the birds, which strut on my driveway:


I see a lot of Myna birds:


I also see a lot of Crows:


And I see Petrels:

Lots of tiny Sparrows:


What would we do without birds? Well, I could do without the bird droppings, which are a nuisance to clean up. Due to a number of mishaps, I try to avoid walking under trees and parking my car under them. If you know what I mean, then you will understand how I feel.

Birds have even tried to peck their way into our house. They used their beaks to cut the wire mesh under the eaves and build nests in the attic. We scared them away by stuffing the holes with rags and placing water bottles on the air conditioners. Later, we replaced the unsightly rags with square pieces of styrofoam. Since then, the birds haven’t returned to the attic, where there are still twigs and small branches. It would be difficult for us to remove the debris.

Birds are beautiful, no doubt. But, boy, what a nuisance, sometimes!


If you want to see more birds of Hawaii, do click on this link:

11 Responses to “Birds: Sometimes a nuisance”

  1. davidmgascoigne Says:

    Humans are beautiful, no doubt. But boy, what a nuisance, sometimes!

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …yes, humans are the nuisance!

  3. AC Says:

    We’ve had birds in our eaves via a missing vent cover. It will be fixed soon, now that they are gone.

  4. Valerie - Jael Says:

    Here by the Rhine humans leave much more mess than the birds! I love watching the birds from my balcony and give it a scrub here and there to keep it clean. Have a great day, take care, hope David is doing well!

  5. Doug M Says:

    I’m sorry for the nuisance Gigi, but these photos are lovely and your response to davidm made me laugh out loud! šŸ˜„

  6. cmlk79 Says:

    They can be a delight -Christine

  7. Maryellen Says:

    Last year I was leaving a local amusement park. I felt a big glop of something wet land on my head and, at first, thought someone threw an ice cream cone. It was a SEAGULL and he took a plop right on my head. It was in my hair and dripping down on my arms and shirt. I dashed to a bathroom where I had to stick my head in a sink and then scrub my arms. AND no paper towels, just an air dryer. I did what I could with dissolving toilet paper. I like looking at birds from afar or through a window, lol.

  8. Elephant's Child Says:

    I am with David, and humans cause/make more mess than birds. I even like the lbjs (little brown jobs). And yes, we do have to scrub our veranda on a regular basis.

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