Westwood Village, California

After graduating from the University of Hawaii with a BA in Sociology in 1968, I flew to Los Angeles, California to live with a girlfriend. We resided in a very nice, modern one bedroom apartment in Westwood Village, which was located near UCLA. We slept on two twin beds and shared a bathroom and kitchen. There were sliding glass doors in the living room. The apartment was fully furnished, and the rent was quite reasonable.

I was employed as a secretary at the Powell Library at UCLA. The salary was adequate for my daily needs. I made friends at work, but lost track of them after I left the state.

Me on the UCLA campus in 1968, age 22:


I got involved in the presidential campaign of Eugene McCarthy, who was opposed to the Vietnam War and wanted a swift end to it by withdrawing American troops. I disseminated leaflets and tried to get people to sign a petition to have McCarthy nominated on the Democratic ticket. I was there at the airport to hear McCarthy give a pep talk to his campaign workers. He was quite dashing. Unfortunately, he did not prevail, and Hubert Humphrey was chosen as the Democrat to run against the Republican candidate, Richard Nixon. Nixon ultimately won the election. I was unable to vote in the 1968 election, because I had not registered to vote, since I was a transient and not a permanent resident of California or Hawaii.

I dated a white man, who was involved in the McCarthy campaign. He certainly loved to talk, maybe too much. But, he was cute, blond, blue eyed, and trim. Not my type, though.

I attended a concert by the famous sitar player, Ravi Shankar, at the Hollywood Bowl. It was lovely to sit out in the open with the starry sky above us.

I also enjoyed Middle Eastern cuisine, loving every morsel of the grilled lamb shish kebabs I ordered at a sidewalk cafe.

I also visited Disney Land twice with friends. The topiaries, costumes, and rides were amazing. Quite thrilling, actually.

But, the smog got to me. It was difficult to breathe, and my throat hurt with every breath of air.

I stayed in Westwood Village for 2-1/2 months, and then flew to San Francisco, California to live.

Map of Los Angeles, California:

See the source image

Westwood Village:

See the source image
See the source image
See the source image
See the source image
See the source image

Hollywood Bowl:

See the source image


Disney Land:

See the source image

David and I visited Los Angeles sometime during the early 1990s. We drove through Westwood Village, which had not changed much. We saw the TV night show host, Jay Leno, perform in his studio in Burbank. That was quite memorable.

The entire Los Angeles county is an interesting place to visit, but I would not want to live there. Too much smog, too spread out geographically, not compact, and just not my type of culture. Too Hollywood.

I have many friends and relatives, who live in Los Angeles. They seem to love it there.

15 Responses to “Westwood Village, California”

  1. DavidH Says:

    Thank you for again sharing your travels with us. You have lived and worked in so many diverse places. I am sure that they have helped make you the knowledgeable person that you have turned out to be.

  2. Valerie-Jael Says:

    You have certainly had lots of travel adventures. Thanks for sharing the photos. Valerie

  3. Iris Empereur Says:

    You look so sweet and your dress fits the tree, how wonderful!!!

    Minus the hair the guy sounds like my lille Brother, he can talk!! But his beard is red now. Hmmm kebab! Sadly not here. Just 100% garlic.

    You sure lived in interesting places, wow.
    Am I a boring person. I made it some “whopping” 60 km from my hometown…

  4. AC Says:

    You’ve certainly had some variety in your life.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …a beautiful place.

  6. Olga Says:

    Great pictures. I also volunteered for the McCarthy campaign.

    I visited Los Angeles once in the ’70s. I don’t think I would have wanted to live there but it was a fun week’s vacation for me.

  7. DJan Says:

    I have been to LA many times but never wanted to live there, for many of the reasons you state here.

  8. Douglas Morris Says:

    You sure have some great memories to share Gigi–I very much enjoyed this look back at your travels. And I hope David doesn’t mind me saying, but boy you were a knockout in that top photo!

  9. Martha Says:

    I love reading about the days of your youth. You’ve lived a full and very interesting life!

  10. Arkansas Patti Says:

    You certainly took advantage of exploring the city and what it had to offer but I can agree, the smog would have done me in.

  11. Elephant's Child Says:

    Thank you. Some of my extended family lives in California (In Berkley) so I found this a particularly interesting post.

  12. DeniseinVA Says:

    I had fun reading abut your memories of that time and that was a lovely photo of you, enjoyed all the photos. We lived about half an hour from Disney for two years. We had a LOT of visitors and I think I went there at least 14 times. In the end I dropped people off and picked them up when they were ready to come home šŸ™‚

  13. Christine Says:

    A nice look back.

  14. honoluluaunty91 Says:

    Very interesting! I didn’t really like LA because it was too busy and the highways are fast and furious! I guess I am just an island girl.

  15. Nancy Chan Says:

    You are very pretty with your long hair. You have been to so many places and came in contact with many people. Wonderful and sweet memories.

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