San Francisco, California

After spending 2-1/2 months in Westwood Village in Los Angeles, I flew to San Francisco, California. I stayed there with a girlfriend for four months, September-December 1968. I was employed as a medical secretary in the Rheumatic Diseases Department at UCSF Medical Center.

I made many friends in San Francisco. There always was a party going on in our studio apartment on Clayton Street or in another friend’s home on Haight Ashbury. We all lived near the Panhandle, a short distance from Golden Gate Park.

The problem for me was the pot smoking. I disliked the odor of pot. And, it was illegal, too. So, while the others sat in a circle, passing a joint around, I sat on my couch and just watched.

Yes, I was and still am a “square.”

I attended a concert, featuring the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the great Seiji Ozawa. The hall was nearly empty with only a few people attending. Such a shame, really.

I also rented a violin and rehearsed with the orchestra at UCSF Medical Center. Yes, the center had many employees, who were musicians.

My friends and I dined at Ondine, a beautiful restaurant sitting on the waters of San Francisco Bay. I ordered a delicious duck breast, covered with an orange glaze and two slices of orange on top. It came with rice pilaf and buttered green beans with slivered almonds. Dessert consisted of a nice creme brulee. I had a glass of champagne with my dinner. It was all so incredible! I remember it to this day. And that happened in 1968, so many years ago!

We also drove through Napa Valley and had lunch at a quaint restaurant. The entrance had a trellis, covered with grape vines. Again, we had a nice lunch of poultry and fine white wine. Excellent!

It is so funny to recall drinking all that wine and champagne back then, because I don’t drink alcohol at all anymore. Alcohol is bad for the brain and the liver. I drink chilled apple juice instead of wine.

I recall dining at Fisherman’s Wharf. I ordered a lovely clam chowder, served in a round bread bowl.

Map of California:

See the source image

Golden Gate Bridge:

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See the source image
See the source image
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A restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf:

See the source image

Clam chowder in a bread bowl (delicious!):

See the source image

Cable car:

Golden Gate Park:

See the source image


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Symphony Hall:

San Francisco Symphony Orchestra:

Ondine Restaurant:

Dining at Ondine Restaurant:

Napa Valley wine:

See the source image

Restaurant in Napa Valley:

See the source image

Ghirardelli Square, where all the fine chocolates are sold:


See the source image

Alcatraz Island, where notorious prisoners were once kept. The prison closed in 1963 and is now a major tourist attraction:

Alcatraz Island

David posing in front of Alcatraz. He visited San Francisco alone in 2016. I canceled my trip, because a close family member had died, and I was too distraught to go anywhere:

As I said, I lived in San Francisco from September 1 to December 31, 1968. I returned with David sometime during the 1990s. It had not changed much.

Though I no longer have any friends in San Francisco, I do have a cousin, now 64 years old, who lives there. I have not seen him in decades and we are not in touch with each other.

San Francisco is a beautiful place to visit, but I would not want to live there. It is too damp and cold during the winter, and I dislike the fog.

17 Responses to “San Francisco, California”

  1. DavidH Says:

    My trip to San Francisco in 2016 was the last time I left Hawaii. The trip was not long, but I packed it with memorable tours. I saw and experienced so much in just 4 days. I saw much of what you experienced, but one of the highlights was riding the BART. The train was great and I cannot wait until our HART opens. I also sat in the redwood forest and admired the beauty and awesomeness of it all. Alcatraz was the highlight – it is packed with so much history. It is always nice to travel and experience the world.

  2. Valerie-Jael Says:

    You really did get around in your younger years, great! I’m not one for pot or alcohol, either, I like to keep a clear head! Valerie

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …I was there once, what a city.

  4. DJan Says:

    Amazing to have eaten meals that you still remember a half century later! I love San Francisco but haven’t been there in years.

  5. Martha Says:

    You made some wonderful memories there. I enjoyed a nice visit back in the 80s. 🙂

  6. Olga Says:

    I am enjoying your California Dreamin’ since your memories and pictures spark fond memories of my own. My first trip to CA was when I was in college and air travel seemed so very glamorous at the time. Now the very thought of airports and planes makes me rething any desire to travel.

  7. Doug M Says:

    Wow, you had some great memories there Gigi–I would’ve loved to see San Francisco in the 1960’s, wasn’t that the mecca for hippies? I also admire David for going there in 2016 and his visit to Alcatraz, I’d love to see that for myself but don’t like traveling alone.

  8. Wisewebwoman Says:

    I was in SF twice and your photos brought back so many memories to me. What a gorgeous city and wonderful things to see including Alcatraz and Chinatown, so many sights to behold.


  9. Christine Says:

    Those meals really made an impression so memorable.

  10. Arkansas Patti Says:

    What a beautiful city with so much to offer. I always wanted to go there if only a visit. So glad you got to enjoy it at your leisure rather than just a trip.

  11. Elephant's Child Says:

    Thank you for sharing the memories and your beautiful photos.

  12. AC Says:

    You remind me a bit of Sue whom I kid about remembering every meal that she ever ate. 🙂

  13. Far Side Says:

    Fun to read about your life in 1968! 🙂

  14. Iris Empereur Says:

    I once was offered hashish-cookies. I said no.
    Sweet memories of a dinner, it must´ve been really great.
    Beautiful, I sure have a song in my ear! And I´ve never seen a bread bowl.
    Alcatraz looks very near.
    Same here. I have 14 cousins and am not in touch with them.

  15. Nancy Chan Says:

    You have very good memories and it is interesting to read about your young days and the life you lived. Clam chowder in a bread bowl looks delicious. Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Joared Says:

    Interesting memories of your S.F. time. From all accounts living in S.F. now would be quite expensive, especially trying to find housing. I recall visiting there years ago, also going to a convention. Waiting at a crossing light someone in the crowd pinched me from behind — supposed to be a flattering gesture I guess but I didn’t appreciate it.

  17. marmeladegypsy Says:

    Your photos and memories bring back memories of my visits to SF too. What a splendid city — I loved hearing about this.

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