Thoughts of flying to Sydney, Australia

Touring Sydney, Australia used to be high on my bucket list. I loved to dream about visiting there for about five days in January during the Australian summer. It would be a direct flight from Hawaii with no transfers. How convenient!

I looked forward to dining on Australian cuisine and listening to Aussies speak their dialect. I would ride the Uber everywhere. No buses for me.

And, of course, I would visit the animal sanctuary to see the koala bears. (I would not hug them, though, as I would not want to smell like a koala.)

However, cold, hard reality set in. Walking out in my yard yesterday to water the plants and crossing the driveway to get the mail caused my right hip to hurt intensely. I realized my poly arthralgia would prevent me from enjoying my vacation.

Besides, at the rate David is progressing, he probably would need special care during the trip, if he decided to make the trip, at all.

So, Sydney is still on my bucket list, but I am just not the person I used to be, carefree and independent.

I long for the days when I was single, traveling the world on a shoestring budget. I was in perfect health and fearless back then. Alas, those days are definitely over.

20 Responses to “Thoughts of flying to Sydney, Australia”

  1. minsungch Says:

    a few years ago, wild fire killed 8,000 Koalas in Australia. That’s what I remember! The climate crisis!

  2. davidmgascoigne Says:

    It’s called the grim march of time, Gigi. I have visited Australia twice and Sydney would not be my choice, but to each her own!

  3. AC Says:

    My draw was NZ as we had distant cousins there. They wrote back and forth with my mother when I was young, and their publications were quite attractive to me. But I don’t really have a bucket list. My life hasn’t been privileged in that way.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …lovely, but the trip is too long for my old body!

  5. Iris Empereur Says:

    Very sad post.

    I used to say to Ingo I am glad we traveled Australia when we were young, able to sleep in the car, travel cheap. I hope you get fit enough again to make your dream come true… never give up hope!

  6. Doug M Says:

    Gigi I sure am sorry about your hip, but I know you’ve got travel in your blood so I wouldn’t be surprised if you wound up going there someday! Are koalas really that smelly?

  7. Lois Evensen Says:

    Hi Gigi,

    I feel your pain. I’m so sorry.

    Hugs from Ohio,


  8. ValerieJael Tups Says:

    Oh yes, sad but true. But we can still enjoy memories and dreams. Hugs!

  9. DavidH Says:

    That was the top of my bucket list for the longest time. Fly to Sidney and go to the petting zoo and pet the Koala and visit the world famous opera house. Unfortunately this will not happen.

  10. Elephant's Child Says:

    I have some dreams that will remain just that too. Why Sydney?

  11. DJan Says:

    I have no desire to get on an airplane these days, but I could do it if I wanted to. I’m glad to have my health, even if I am going blind. Sorry to hear about your hip.

  12. So Alice Says:

    Health is the most important. Of course, you can always plan a trip, not necessarily involving a lot of walking…

  13. Denise Says:

    I always wanted to go to Australia, but am content to visit virtually now. I don’t think I will ever take it off my bucket list but my age seems to be telling me a different story. We are arguing 🙂 You live in a paradise and I wonder if I will be seeing it again too. Time will tell. In the meantime I wish you both the best.

  14. Christine Says:

    My mom wanted to visit Australia, never made it.

  15. Beatrice Says:

    This is also a country that we would lime to visit, Gigi, but like yourself we are uncertain that it will ever become a reality. The pandemic robbed all of such precious time. We are traveling now but will never visit places on out bucket list.

  16. Maryellen Says:

    I had this romantic idea of me after retirement. I pictured myself on a bicycle with a big basket pedaling up to the library, making runs to the corner market, visiting friends. I think I had a big straw hat involved.

    I did not picture the balance issues I have. I am able to navigate around the neighborhood because I have a grandchild in a stroller. I use my stroller as a “walker”. And I never walk around a store without a cart, since my cart is my walker too. Even if I am picking up one loaf of bread.

    It’s hard to accept limitations you can’t change. I’m sorry.

  17. gederedita Says:

    Visit Australia is in my dream. Thank for sharing

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