Lunch with my in-laws

Yesterday, David’s brother, Michael, and his family came over for lunch. Every year, they make their 3-week trek to Hawaii. It was nice to see them, again:

This is my table setting with mini carnations:

For our lunch, I prepared an Italian meal, consisting of pasta and meatballs plus a green salad. Dessert was Neapolitan ice cream. Yes, it was all delicious:

Although David and Michael chat frequently over the phone, it was important for David’s morale to converse with his brother in person. It was a welcome break from the monotony of our lives.

Mike, Shirley and Victoria live in Massachusetts. Amanda lives in New York with her husband, who couldn’t make it to Hawaii this year.

Mike and Shirley are retired computer software people. Years ago, Shirley co-authored a book about web security. They still travel to Europe, visiting England frequently and even cruising down the Rhine by river boat. This year, they will spend 5 days in Dublin, Ireland.

Victoria is a mechanical engineer, working with robotics. Amanda is a computer programmer, working on web development. Everyone seems to be doing well.

They will come here again next Sunday and will provide a nice meal for all of us.

19 Responses to “Lunch with my in-laws”

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …a nice time to get together.

  2. David Gascoigne Says:

    Always great to have a family visit.

  3. AC Says:

    How nice for everyone, but especially David.

  4. Doug M Says:

    This was nice to see and wow these folk have some impressive backstories!

  5. minsungch Says:

    What a nice visit of your family in laws! Their visit would surely boost David’s morale and would definitely help him recover his knee health! 🙏❤️😃👍🌹🌷🎆

  6. cmlk79 Says:

    A lovely visit!

  7. Valerie Frau Tups Says:

    Glad you had visitors and enjoyed a nice meal with them. Enjoy the time they spend with you!

  8. dkzody Says:

    You did a nice job with food and service for your guests. I’m sure that was hard work for you to get it all put together. Are you able to drive and shop for groceries?

  9. Jim and Barb Says:

    That all sounds very edible, and delicious! What a great visit.

  10. Lois Evensen Says:

    How wonderful to have family together! And, what a lovely meal you prepared for everyone. 🙂 So nice!

  11. Linda Reeder Says:

    It’s good to have family visit. and even more so when they come for such a distance and only once a year.

  12. DavidH Says:

    That was really nice to see my brother and his family again. They seem to be all doing well. They are my only relatives so these once a year visits rekindle old times.

  13. Elephant's Child Says:

    What a lovely get to together – and I am sure it was good for David – and for his family too.

  14. Maryellen Says:

    Sounds like a wonderful meal and visit.

  15. DJan Says:

    It’s always nice to see family who you don’t get to visit very often. Glad to see David up and looking good.

  16. marmeladegypsy Says:

    I’m so glad they came to visit. I’m sure it was a good boost for David, too!

  17. Beatrice Says:

    That family visit was a much needed boost for you both Gigi. Even though you had to work to prepare the meal, it seemed not to time consuming so you could still relax and enjoy your quests. It is nice to chat on the phone with family and friends, but nothing beats an in person visit.

  18. Iris Empereur Says:

    A great visit and interesting jobs your people have (had)! Nice table and the food sounds delicious! Happy times, thank you for the smile on yet another cloudy, too cold day 🙂

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