Allergic to olive oil

Despite all of its reputed health benefits, olive oil and I don’t agree.  I love the taste of olive oil, especially in salads and Italian dishes, but, boy, if I so much as consume a tablespoon of the stuff, I have to run to the bathroom for unpleasant business.  It affects my large intestine.

A friend of mine told me olive oil makes him vomit.  Ew.

Since I don’t use it in my own cooking, I had forgotten about my bad reaction to it, when I went ahead and  ate the Caesar’s salad at Hy’s Steakhouse recently.  It was loaded with three parts olive oil to one part red wine vinegar.  Delicious but dangerous!  I remembered my allergy after many frantic trips to the bathroom hours later.

So, it is with great sadness that I find myself declining my friend Ivana’s invitations to her home for dinner.  She uses olive oil in practically everything – appetizer, salad, cooked vegetable, and main course.  The exception is dessert.  Well, what did I expect?  She is a native Italian.  That explains everything!

Pat called me last night from her mom’s home in Virginia, where she is vacationing.  She wanted my recipe for pineapple shrimp.  After I told her what to do, she said she planned to use olive oil.  I nearly fell off my chair!  “Oh, no, Pat,” I said.  “Don’t ever use olive oil with sweet-sour sauce.  It will ruin it.  Ugh!”  I suggested canola oil, instead.

I wonder how prevalent an adverse reaction to olive oil is…

P.S.  How about that Brett Favre?!  Incredible victory for a quarterback who will turn 40 in a few days!  The more I watch him play, the more I admire him.

46 Responses to “Allergic to olive oil”

  1. kavita Says:

    I used olive oil for my pasta sauce once for that authentic taste,everybody else hated it except for me…i simply love it.We mostly use Sunflower seed oil and for a traditional taste mustard seed oil.For the first time i am hearing about this allergic reaction to olive oil …sad…especially when you like it a lot.

  2. LizKauai Says:

    Too much olive oil will clean out your system. Moderation is good.

    Be sure it is fresh and not rancid. It may not be the fact that it is olive oil but the fact that it is old.
    I try to buy “eating oil” in smaller glass bottles. “cooking” oil can be in plastic but to TOOO big. Things spoil quickly here in the islands.

    Where my daughter lives- outside of Portland, they leave their chips packages open- it keeps them cool and crispy!

    Have a great day!

  3. gigihawaii Says:

    I’m not sure if it is rancid, but olive oil has no effect on David, whereas I keep running to the bathroom.

  4. musings Says:

    Wow! You’re the first person I know who is allergic to olive oil. I’m so sorry. We use lots of different kinds of oils over here.

    Art says Brett Fravre used to play for the Green Bay Packers who were the Chicago Bears’ long time rivals.

  5. Quilly Says:

    I have never heard of an olive oil allergy! I cook with many types of oil, but olive is my favorite! How frustrating for you!

  6. Nan Says:

    I wonder if the kind/brand of oil makes a difference. The cheaper stuff may contain additives, and may not even be ‘real’ olive oil. I tried to find some links for you but didn’t have a chance to get more than one tonight:

    The stuff I buy is very expensive but I feel it is the real deal – if you are willing to take a chance you might test. Here is a pricey name for you- Olio Beato demarco limited edition 100% organic first cold extracted unfiltered extra virgin Italian olive oil. 100% Italian product. If this gives you trouble, then I think you can feel certain you are allergic to olive oil, but if not, it may be the other oils and additives they put in way too many brands. Just my 2¢ Gigi.

  7. gigihawaii Says:

    Nan, thanks for the link. Interesting.

  8. Dobbs Ferry Dude Says:

    Funny you should mention this topic. I love olive oil and have no problem with it generally. However, I spent about ten years as an actor in local shows. Through experience I learned my personal first rule of acting: DO NOT EAT ANYTHING WITH OLIVE OIL IN IT BEFORE PERFORMING IN A PLAY!

  9. Rainbowbuttafly Says:

    I am allergic to olives and olive oil as well. For years growing up, the side effect from eating it would be diarrhea and vomitting. Twelve years ago, I developed a serious reaction to it: Dizziness and black out…I almost went into shock! And that was just from the small amount in a Weight Watchers Smart One’s Lasagna.

    I hate this because I love Italian food and I grew up in a predominantly Italian neighborhood where I was offered samples of everything!

    I don’t see anything much on this allergy at all and once in a blue moon I run into someone with the same symptoms as me.

  10. Lea Says:


    I use oil (cooking oil) on my skin as a skin moisturizer oil. A cooking oil and skin moisturizer oil are the same but the cooking oil is more responsible in its price. Anyway. I’ve been using a certain well known brand in the cold pressed extra virgin organic line for sometime now and had been well pleased. After using it for quite sometime, one morning I woke up to find a rash on my skin and my face so swollen to the point of one of my eyes almost being closed shut. EEEK. It was a newly opened (first time opened and used. with the date on it not being out of date anytime soon or anything) bottle of organic olive oil, so I returned to store purchased from, and let them know the reason (rash and swelling) it was being returned. I did try this same brand again (but purchased from a different store) thinking possibly something had happened to the one bottle (the shipment this bottle came out of) of olive oil in its processing or something. But, the same thing happened to my skin again (tried this time on hand and didn’t use on face though) with the new bottle of olive oil of same brand. Tried other brands and all, but same thing happened over and over again (used on hand). Since I even had a skin reaction with two bottles of a brand I had previously used with no reactions, I’m being to think maybe oil is being processed differently now then they had previously. Also, I read quite sometime back that oils aren’t good to use because they aren’t whole foods. If I have this type of reaction to my outer skin when used on it, can just imagine what is happening on my inside when I eat something made using some olive oil. EEEK.

    You can fix foods without using any type of processed oil if you wish.

    I totally just use an organic cocoa butter as a skin moisturizer now.

    Hope this personal story might help someone in their search about olive oil. Glad there’s a website like this one for us to read other’s remarks and for us to be able to leave comments.

    • Sara Says:

      Very interesting! I had a severe skin reaction after using olive oil as a moisturizer as well. The first time I reacted I wasn’t sure that olive oil was the cause. However, the rash was everywhere and I suffered for weeks. A few years later, I tried again- it takes about 4-5 days for the rash to develop, but after it does, I have to take steroids to resolve.
      I asked myself the same question as you…if this is happening on the outside, what could it be doing to my inside!!!

  11. Lea Says:

    Sorry, forgot to mention in my comments that putting an oil on hand’s skin it will or could travel inside a person’s body, as well.

  12. Jens Says:

    I am also allergic to olive oil. At least the extra virgin type which are cold pressed and therefore containing proteins. I do not think I am allergic to the oil it selves.

    I feel the sting in my mouth if i taste it, and I get diarrhea if I eat food cooked with olive oil.

    I wonder if the allergy could not that seldom and the cause of suffering by people not able to guess that the cause is allergy to olive oil.

    • Ursula Says:

      Exactly my problem. The cheap cold pressed stuff is fine,but extra, extra virgin leaves me coughing with breathing difficulties and streaming eyes!

  13. Jennifer S. Says:

    Hi gigi,
    I am also severely allergic to olives and olive oil. I cannot eat anything made with those ingredients. My symptoms are severe diarrhea and stomach cramps within 20 min of consumption. Eating out has become such a nightmare lately because you never know what they cook your food in. I guess I will have to request for my food if it is to be cooked in oil, to use canola or vegetable (which don’t bother me). There isn’t much info out there on the internet for people with adverse reactions to olive oil. I have been trying to find info about causes but with no luck. Best wishes!

  14. Diego Says:

    Did you know that peroxide is a natural by product of olive oil. Does anyone here have issues with peroxide? The most active compound in olive oil is oleuropein and is probably the source of your reactions. Interstingly my brother in law can eat the fruit but is allergic to the leaves.

  15. Lea Says:

    I don’t seem to be allergic to the fruit either.

    I found this below on net regarding oleuropein:

    Decades later, scientists isolated a bitter substance from the leaf and named it oleuropein. It was found to be one ingredient in a compound produced by the olive tree that makes it particularly robust and resistant against insect and bacterial damage. From a technical angle, oleuropein is an iridoid, a structural class of chemical compounds found in plants. It is present in olive oil, throughout the olive tree, and is, in fact, the bitter material that is eliminated from the olives when they are cured.

  16. Andy Says:

    I am allergic to olive oil as well! Seems there are a few of us out there. I get a more severe reaction as my mouth tingles and then my throat swells over an hour or so until I can’t talk at all. Taking anti hisamines straight after eating is good especially when I feel the tingle. I know it isn’t as bad a reaction if I only eat food with olive oil occasionally.

  17. Lea Says:

    I’m sure you know that the inside of your throat is or might be swelling as well (so this could be very dangerous for you).

    You should check with your doc, but you shouldn’t be eating food with olive oil at all.

  18. Heaven Says:

    Im deadly allergic to olives and olive oil, they make me vomit, faint, seize and/or stop breathing. I found this out when I was younger and now stay clear from it even though I like the taste of olives and cooking with olive oil. I found out a few years back though that when I take anitbotics and alergy meds, I wont have a reaction besides an upset stomach. I found this out while being sick and on antibotics and going to my friends house for diner. I forgot to ask if it had olive oil in it and when I was done eating and my stomach was upset I asked and they said they used olive oil and by then I would have been dizzy and about to sieze…

    • Lea Says:

      I also liked eating foods or cooking with olive oil but to me it isn’t worth the chance by using it.

      Heaven, you still mentioned you had an outer reaction (upset stomach), but wonder if you’re having a reaction/s inside without any outside show.

      There’s other oils besides olive oil.

      Take care.

  19. Jann Says:

    Finally I have found other with the same problem!
    I have had trouble for many years with olive oil, tongue swelling, severe diarrhoea with accomanying pain and once a full anaphylactic reaction. I now carry an Epipen.
    I was fortunate to have a nutritionist suggest that my allergy could be a reaction to squalene which is naturally present in quite high concentration in olive oil and to a far lesser extent in rice bran oil.
    Once I knew about squalene it explained the similar symptoms I had without having ingested olive oil.
    Squalene is also in soft serve ice cream. If I eat it I get the pain and diarrhoea but not the swelling.
    I would also recommend staying away from fish oil capsules they may also contain squalene.
    I can rub olive oil onto my skin without any reaction at all.
    I hope this information might be of help to others.

  20. Amanda Says:

    Wow, I have not found any others with my allergy. I can not eat olives or anything cooked in olive oil, or climb my neighbors olive tree. My father has the same allergy and once when he cut down our own olive tree, his eyes closed shut followed by severe skin reaction.

    Eating out is the worst but you just have to ask! I use grape seed oil or canola oil instead of olive oil. I have not heard of the squalene allergy but good to know!

  21. Amanda-Beth Says:

    Thats food sentivty/intolernce not allergy trudt me i’m allergic to olives and their oil so much as any amount touch anything including just dab were are talking micrscopic amounts of dust like penut dust but olvies version I consume my lips and tounge tingle then tounge and half face swell and ladt time had little trouble breathong but wasbt anphlatic I know that from another food allergy.

  22. Amanda-Beth Says:

    You have a food senstitvty sure makes you feel yucky but no chance if it being life threating. If I have olives or their oil half facs and whole tounge swells and knowing the blod test at ER revealed allergy fo it I knos anytime it wants being true allergy if conzume such food whifh I do try to do can have an anaphlatic reactuon and never wamt ine again like had yrs before fund if olive allergy when had anaphlatic reactin to mullberries.

  23. Patrick Montana Says:

    Both my father and I have an intolerance for olive oil with the same symptoms many of you have described above, frequent visits to the bathroom. Being Italian, that really cuts into what we can enjoy when we visit relatives. 🙂 My father said that extra virgin olive oil does not pose the same issues for him, though I really don’t want to go through the “pain” of trying it myself to see if he’s right.

  24. Jeanne Says:

    Well,,,after 2 trips to the Emergency Room,,,we figured out i ordered a different dish cooked in extra virgin olive oil!!! I had hives all over my body and went to the ER with itchy throat and streaming eyes!!!!!!!!! I have never seen ER nurses and Doc move that fast to get steroids in me!!
    It helped and hives went away. Some patches were 6 inches in diameter and raised 2 inches all over my body. No more olive oil for me!! Now I know for sure what I am allergic too. Please be careful out there!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Amanda-Beth Says:

      Read labels really read them and call # on container if it says natural flavor or spices olive oil and olives can he very hidden and say bye bye to greek food and ittialian food unless ya make your own most not all pizza delivery places don’t do olive oil on pizza or in sauce however ask before order.

  25. DDBug Says:

    I discovered my intolerance to olives and olive oil on a family visit to Spain. I was sick in the bathroom (or side of the road) the entire trip. I was 5 at the time, up until that trip I would vomit almost weekly as a kid. My doctor also told me I could be allergic to spinach.She was right! I avoided both and wasn’t continually sick anymore. I carry charcoal pills with me incase I accidently ingest some. It helps me not to vomit, but I still have super laxative issues the next day. I always have persistant burning in my stomach……a giant acid ball in there. I had an upper GI and they said I have some ulcerations and that it could be due to pain pills. I’m sure it was due to the number of times my system has been in reverse. LOL.

  26. vrinda Says:

    my husband has allergic rhinitis and it soddenly increased after having an omelet made in olive oil.

  27. Heidi Says:

    Hi I would like to say I am glad I am not the only person in the world with an Olive allergy. I am severely allergic I have anaphylaxis from it being in the air. If someone is too close to me after eating or cooking with the oil and so forth. To go out shopping I have to take an antihistamine just to keep myself safe and I have to carry my epi-pens. I feel that a lot of people don’t take it seriously and they think it is all in my head. However it is not and the test show this and they have to prescribe the epi-pens. I wish more peopl would realize that you can be allergic to anything.

    • Amanda-Beth Says:

      Me to. Along with wishing people would fully label indgrdemt list no more of things under umbrella of natural or artiffical flavoring. Also watch out for soaps.

  28. Christy Says:

    I am so pleased to have discovered this site. It is good to know that I am not the only person who believes that olive oil – including the high-quality unadulterated brands – can cause a lot of serious problems.

    About 10 years ago I started to have very severe reactions to olive oil: predominantly severe diarrhoea (at that point I didn’t know what was causing it), but also a nasty eczema that developed on one occasion when I applied it to my skin. It was this reaction that gave me the first clue as to what had been causing my gut problems. By this time had become so sick with intractable diarrhoea and bleeding that I was mistakenly diagnosed as having ulcerative colitis, which was unresponsive to the usual medications.

    It’s so difficult to contend with the very pervasive ‘propaganda’ that surrounds olive oil. We are constantly being told that it is such a wonderful healthy product, and therefore it’s really hard to get anyone to believe that it can be harmful (at least to some people). Because of this it took me quite a while to make the connection, but after I finally realised that it might be olive oil that was causing my problems I discovered that if I strictly avoided it my gastrointestinal problems completely disappeared after a few weeks. I told my (then) specialist medico – an enterologist – about this, and to my surprise he replied “no, that’s not possible – I have never seen any reports stating that olive oil causes those sort of problems”. He flatly refused to believe me, so it’s no wonder that the harmful effects of olive oil are virtually unknown.

    We now use only peanut oil, rice bran oil or macadamia nut oil in our house, and I am fine with all of these. The macadamia oil in particular is really delicious, and to my mind tastes way better than olive oil ever did.

    The big problem is that olive oil has become so popular that its very hard to avoid it when you eat out. Not only Mediterranean-style restaurants, but anything that even remotely considers itself “up-market”, are now a big risk. On a couple of occasions I have been promised an “olive oil-free meal” at these places, only to have a bad reaction afterwards, probably because of the inadvertent use of something in their kitchen contaminated with the stuff. The solution: only visit Asian restaurants (such as Thai, Vietnamese Indian etc) – no risk there and the food tastes great as well!

    • Heidi Says:

      I know exactly how you feel. I can hardly eat out and oh well it saves us money. However the down part of it is that when I am traveling it is hard to eat anywhere. I also cannot tolerate gluten. So to avoid Gluten and Olive is very hard.

    • feynmanadmirer Says:

      We now use only peanut oil, rice bran oil or macadamia nut oil in our house, and I am fine with all of these

      Thank you so much for that info! I can tolerate neither olive nor sun flower oil. I was cautiously experimenting with macadamia oil when I found this site and your comments. As it has turned out – yes! – it seems I don’t have any adverse reactions to neither macadamia nor rice bran oils, which makes me really happy, and I am going to try peanut oil as well! Thank you also to gigi-hawaii and the best of health to everybody.

  29. Jennifer S. Says:

    Thanks for this site. I had been prescribed probiotics when a doctor couldn’t pinpoint the cause of my digestive woes. They helped a bit and they are healthy in general, but papa Murphy’s pizza (crust made with pomace olive oil) and olive garden’s signature salad dressing always leave me very ill (I’d be shocked if they weren’t using olive oil there). Here’s some info about pomace olive oil if you are curious. I tried to find a unbiased site. I’ve had good luck with GRAPESEED oil which I keep in the fridge.

  30. Natasha Says:


    I live in Italy (i’m Canadian) and I eat olive oil every day. I love it. BUT I do have a bad reaction to olive oil when used on my skin. I was habitually moisturizing my skin with olive oil and my neck due to dryness issues and then I would wake up with swollen eyelids and put MORE olive oil on because I thought that was unrelated eczema was acting up. In fact, I’ve been causing my own eczema by using olive oil as a lash growth enhancer and anti-age face moisturizer. NEVER AGAIN! I am going to see whether coconut oil gives me the same results because I used to use coconut oil and I never had this problem. Thanks for the details.

  31. cathie Says:

    Just found this site and wanted to share that although I have an intolerance to Italian olive oil, including stomach pain and diarrhea,
    I have no problem with either Spanish or Greek olive oil, so they would be worth a try. However, for those with a true alergic reaction especially involving breathing issues should avoid it like the plague and hopefully have an epi pin for emergencies.

  32. Barry Hubris (@youfacethetick) Says:

    Discovered my olive oil allergy in my 20s. I’d always thought olives tasted horrific (like the way an ash tray smells) but then in my twenties I began to sweat profusely and feel queasy after having something with olive oil.

    A trip to the allergist confirmed the allergy which has since become far more fearsome. Over the years the allergy went from feeling queasy to knock-me-on-the-floor stomach pain/cramping/Montezuma’s Revenge to hives, swelling, etc. mixed with the cramping, etc. They now have me carrying an epipen just in case.

    It’s also true that the nicer the restaurant, the more difficult it is to avoid this allergy. We’ve found that even warning restaurants during the reservation using Open Table, still fails as we arrive and the restaurant will inform us I have one option or they didn’t read the note at all. Gee, thanks.

    The other fun one: a restaurant will make the requested dish but change the entire recipe to the point that what I ordered doesn’t resemble what is delivered. What was supposed to be a sea bass with a miso-sesame glaze and side of risotto is now a fried sea bass with salt and pepper and a side of potatoes. Live and learn, we now say, “If you are going to remove a sauce or other parts of the dish let me know ahead of time.”

    FWIW, this may be why I lean toward Asian foods. Afghan, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, HK, Vietnamese, & Thai almost always offer a safe dining trip for me.

    • majormanafemale Says:

      Yup asian food is safe. I typically go for Japanese food as chinese food has lot of pork in stuff and I don’t do pork personal choice. Besides to my taste buds hibachi taste better. Not that I am against Chinese food it just isn’t my fav. i was in my early 20’s when we actually figured out my allergy to olives but we should have figured it out sooner. Remember short run in 90’s where pizza hut used olive oil. i only ate it 3 times and vomited bad. Sometimes wish my parents where smarter. And you are right they do smell weird. We found out by me eating marconi sald mother made one of foods she didn’t destroy with olives and I atr some and rest is history half face swelling trip to er blood test yup allergic.

    • Chris Thompson Says:

      I can really emphasise with your experiences in restaurants, especially the ones that consider themselves up-market and have jumped onto the olive-oil bandwagon to the extent that the most inappropriate things are now laced with the stuff….. such as your experience with the miso-sesame glaze, which sounds Japanese in origins (or at least Japanese-inspired) and therefore should never have contained any olive oil whatsoever.

      In my opinion certain so-called celebrity chefs (Jamie Oliver comes first to mind), who pour vast quantities of olive oil into just about everything they cook, no matter what its geographic origins, are at least partly to blame for this relatively new practice. When I saw Mr Oliver on TV a few years ago making a a couple of Thai recipes with olive oil – in place the authentic peanut or coconut oil – I was at first completely astounded; and then when the shock-horror had worn off I vowed never to have anything to do with his nitwit recipes or TV shows ever again.

      A lot of the trouble lies in the myth that the liberal use of olive oil is such an important component in the supposed “healthy Mediterranean diet”. This myth is still so pervasive, even though the scientific data that first established it has now been shown to be seriously flawed. The Mediterranean diet is only heathy to the extent that it contains very little processed food and refined sugars, a lot of vegetables and pulses, and relatively low amounts of fat (like olive oil) and animal protein. However, many seriously misguided people now seem to believe that if you simply pour lots of olive oil into, or over the top of, any type of food that will somehow make it “healthier”.

      It’s so unfortunate that these days when you tell restaurant staff that you cannot order anything with even a trace of olive oil or olives in it they look at you as if you have just arrived from Mars. Even then, although you have done your best to convince them that you will definitely have a very bad reaction to it, they don’t always bother to check that ALL the different parts of the meal are olive oil-free before recommending it to you as “safe”. So that can mean that either your plate arrives minus some important sauce or other component; or – even worse – when you taste something you discover the dreaded tang of olive oil and have to send it back (and of course suffer the unpleasant consequences).

      My most recent experience was ordering a ‘pumpkin, leek & zucchini mille-feuille with tomato concasse’ ($24!) from a very sleek and vastly overpriced restaurant with mostly Mediterranean-inspired dishes or fish on its menu. As I have been avoiding fish for about the last 15 years (because of my concerns about over-fishing and the actual extinction of some fish species), that meant that there were only a very few things on the menu that I could even consider eating. Having been assured by the waiter when ordering that this item definitely didn’t have any olive oil in it, it was a huge disappointment to find that when my meal arrived it was minus the concasse (“so sorry”, said the waiter “chef has just advised me that this was in fact cooked with olive oil”), and that the side salad was minus the ‘pumpkin seed and lemon’ dressing for the same reason. Grrrr! So while all the others at our table were happily chomping into their meals, I was contending with this relatively dry and uninteresting plate of food, that I felt could have been matched by any take-away outlet for $5 or less.

      • majormanafemale Says:

        At least for now take away and breakfast places aka ihop or other pancake houses are safe for now. I totally understandname cconfusion with meditraian place that seems to have more of Japanese type name can restult in disaster. Currently biggest problem I am having is getiing stuck in recipie rut and every recipie I find every where has stupid olives or olive oil called for unless it is a dessert. It gets so boring but I do have habbit of falling back into rut of sandwiches and quesadillas. It is just happens food rut. I am terrfied to try something new unless it is very clearly hibichi or chinese resturant. I do feel like when metion olive allergy they look at you like your crazy. Which is why I temd to shy away from new places and if someone wants to treat me to some place new I find safest option on menu and wait for the look. And thinkkng ya think I wear dog tag on my shoe for fun of it. Only time I try new food place is when friend takes me their and I don’t know ahead of time as other wise I would say oh drop me off at home I will eat their. The hibachi grill was ticked off situation cause said they opened at noon they didn’t. I do feel like a freak sometimes. It gets tiring to always be on gaurd. But if we slip up we pay the price.

  33. Chris Thompson Says:

    OMG! I thought I had written “empathise” in the first sentence of my previous reply, and am a bit embarrassed to find “emphasise” there instead. Sorry for that.

    Also, I had forgotten to mention that risotto, being northern Italian in origin, is most often authentically made with butter (or sometimes no fat at all) rather than olive oil – at least according to Claudia Roden’s well-respected cookbook “The Food of Italy”. I occasionally make it at home using one or other of her recipes that only call for butter. So there is really no excuse for your risotto to have been replaced with potatoes, as this is the sort of dish that could have easily been prepared to suit your ‘no olive oil’ requirement. However, I suspect that the chef had probably made a big batch of it using olive oil beforehand, and was either too lazy or too busy to bother making some up fresh just for you.

  34. Julie Barry Says:

    Wow super old post but you’re the first other person I’ve ever heard of that’s also allergic to olive oil. I swell up like a blowfish if I accidentally ingest it. Last time almost closed my airway completely.

  35. Shon Hughes Says:

    In 1992, while dating my wife (now) I learned that she was allergic to Olive oil. I made a pasta salad and used an Italian dressing made with olive oil. Shortly after she ate a bowl full, she began to break- out with hives and her throat began to close. We rushed her to the hospital, where we found out that she was allergic to olive oil. I’ve been wanting to travel to places like, Paris, Italy, Spain, and Rome. But, because of this issue I’ve avoided them.

    • majormanafemale Says:

      Maybe consider going to Asia instead as no olives over there. There is Japan,Korea or China just for few ideas. Paris should be safe with planning. Yeah you are kind of can’t go to thd other places you wanted to go to.

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