
Tom Mui’s photos of Korean tofu soup and Korean pageantry:

Questions I am throwing out there:

1. Does Gadhafi’s “massacre of the Libyan people” sound like Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction”?

2. Is President Obama a man of peace?

3. Does he deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

4. Aren’t you tired of war?

8 Responses to “Questions”

  1. DrumMajor Says:

    Good Morning Gigi!
    1. They have found dead bodies that Gadhafi’s people killed. They didn’t find the large “weapons of mass destruction.
    2. Obama is from Hawaii — he prefers peace. The U.S. didn’t know how horrid the holocaust was until we liberated the concentration camps. I’d rather help people sooner than later, to prevent another holocaust.
    3. Yep
    4. Always tired of war. I remember in 1972 when the ‘Nam “conflict” was stopped. First time in my life there wasn’t a war/conflict going on.

    • gigihawaii Says:

      I saw a photo in the Star-Advertiser that showed villagers in a hospital injured by USA missile strikes. But I have not seen photos of dead bodies killed by Gadhafi’s people.

      Are the rebels hiding among the villagers, using them as human shields? Then, they are to blame as cowards.

  2. gigihawaii Says:

    Why didn’t the USA bomb North Korea after the latter sank a South Korean warship and attacked an island off the coast of SK?

    Why didn’t the USA bomb China after the latter slaughtered its own people in Tianenmen Square?

    So why attack Libya? Is the real reason OIL?

  3. DJan Says:

    Yes, Gigi, I am tired of war. I am sitting right now in the airport between flights, heading home, and when I look at the faces around me, nobody seems to be acting like anything is amiss. But it is, and we are becoming a warlike country, it seems to me. I think there are so many aspects to this situation I am not aware of, I don’t feel qualified to judge Obama.

  4. Hattie Says:

    We have to face up to what kind of country this is. It is a warlike country with a turbo-charged consumer society.
    What people notice is higher prices, especially for gas. No one can tell me that we really care about Libyans. It’s all strategy and keeping the oil flowing.

  5. Linda Reeder Says:

    We are not called ‘the leaders of the free world’ for nothing. When peoples are struggling to be free, we feel the need to lead.
    I believe President Obama is using great caution in proceeding in Libya. But no one can forsee the furture and what it holds for them or for those of us who come to their aid. Will we arm the rebels, or will we let them be slaughtered? What a dilemma.

  6. wafan Says:

    We get about 2% of our (USA) oil from Libya. France and England and a few other European nations get a huge percentage of their oil from there. They pressed for military action to keep their oil flowing. We could have survived a 2% loss of oil. The big question you should have asked is with the oil still flowing freely from Libya why have fuel prices sky-rocketed? Was Obama pressured into action by the allies?

  7. musings Says:

    I have to agree with Linda. I think Obama is doing the best he can under the conditions.

    At the same time, I really think Bush went into Iraq for oil. Period.

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