My first blog award


Yes, it’s my first blog award, which comes from frequent commenter, Kay Dennison.  (

The simple rules that come with this award are:

1.  When you receive this award, you must thank the person that awarded you in a new post.

2.  Name 10 things that make you happy.

3.  Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers who make you happy.

Mahalo, Kay!  I am deeply honored.

Ten things that make me happy:

1. My husband, David.
2. My elder daughter, Maria.
3. My younger daughter, Lisa.
4. My granddaughter, Julia.
5. My grandson, Rylan.
6. Writing a blog.
7. Reading other blogs.
8. Publishing books.
9. Hosting parties for family and friends.
10. Being at peace with myself and with others.

To prevent hard feelings, I will not pass this award on to 10 other bloggers who make me happy.  You all make me happy, and it wouldn’t be fair to single out only some of you.

But, what I love about this award is the chance to really ponder over what makes me truly happy.  Thanks for this opportunity, Kay!

READERS:  What makes YOU happy?

7 Responses to “My first blog award”

  1. musings Says:

    Congratulations, Gigi! Yae! You deserve every award there is out there.

  2. Kay Dennison Says:

    What Kay said!!!!!!!

  3. Linda Reeder Says:

    Good for you! Congrats.
    Lots of things make me happy, including a beautiful spring day!

  4. quilly Says:

    Congrats on your first award! My new home is keeping me happy and busy these days!

  5. Thom Says:

    Congrats on the award my friend. I don’t think you saw the one I left you HERE. 🙂 Oh wait, I did check you left a comment. LOL OH well. no Biggie. Congrats again 🙂

    • gigihawaii Says:

      Hmmm, Thom, I didn’t remember this award! Sorry! You didn’t tell me what to do with it, whereas Kay did. My bad! I still don’t know how to post these awards on my side bar. Maybe I should contact the support team at WordPress.

  6. kavita Says:

    Congratulations Gigi…..very well deserved .Looks like you have few more coming your way…keep raining.

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