Hong Kong: Star Ferry, Ocean Park

Today, it was extremely hot and humid, reminding me of Kona weather in Hawaii. I think that’s why my camera started to give me problems in the aquarium. The humidity dampened the lens and the pics got blurry. I was constantly drying the lens with David’s handkerchief.

Anyway, we sailed on the famous Star Ferry to Wan Chai, where we caught the taxi to Ocean Park. Here’s the Star Ferry:

OCEAN PARK is famous for its animals and amusement rides. Because of the heat and humidity, we didn’t see everything, but left after a few hours.

One of 4 Giant Pandas. Isn’t he beautiful?

Ocean Theater. We saw dolphins.

This is the atoll reef exhibit.

The aquarium has 4 levels, connected by stairs and not meant for the handicapped. We saw the smaller fish at the top, followed by progressively bigger fish at the lower levels. Unfortunately, the photos came out blurry so I cannot display them here.

We rode the cable car back to the entrance to the park. Fun ride!

Tomorrow, we will take the ferry to the island of Macau. As of now, you have read 4 blog posts: The YMCA Salisbury, The Avenue of Stars and Serenade Restaurant, Hong Kong Island, and now Ocean Park. Which post is your favorite?

13 Responses to “Hong Kong: Star Ferry, Ocean Park”

  1. Linda Reeder Says:

    I just found your postings and got caught up. It looks like you are getting around well and seeing lots despite the heavy air. Good for you. It’s all very interesting since it’s a place I really know nothing about.

  2. DJan Says:

    That is one giant panda! And I love the aquarium pictures. Totally cool!!!

  3. Makiki Says:

    I can’t say that I have a favorite. But if I were forced to pick it would have to be the post with the Dim Sum pictures!

    Will you have an opportunity to visit the Sands in Macau? I hope so, just the scale alone is worth the visit. So many Baccarrat tables!

    Thanks for taking the time to post.

    Alan from Makiki

  4. LizKauai Says:

    Happy Mothers Day, gigi and friends!

  5. LizKauai Says:

    I could watch fish all day long. Beautiful!

  6. Hattie Says:

    Just enjoying it all. It’s a vicarious trip! I can hardly wait to see your pix of Macau, because I’m sure it’s changed a lot since I was there.

  7. Denise Says:

    I don’t have a favorite yet Gigi, I am enjoying them all though I love aquariums and I enjoy gondola rides. Sounds like a lot of fun. Happy Mother’s Day!

  8. Quilly Says:

    I would love to visit the aquarium and ride the gondolas! How much fun you are having.

    I can’t choose a favorite post. I am in evey of it all!

  9. RONW Says:

    the gondola ride looks steep.

  10. musings Says:

    Your aquarium photos turned out so much nicer than ours. It looks like you guys are having an amazing time.

  11. kavita Says:

    Its very hard to pick a favorite but i can tell you that my son loved this post of yours …because he saw many NEMOs in this post.I love cable car rides,i am sure you both loved it too.

  12. kavita Says:

    And we all love the Pandas.

  13. Hazel K. Ho Says:

    I am a water baby so I enjoyed Ocean Park the most.

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