Alan, I love you, I adore you!

We have been watching musicals, created by Lerner and Loewe, on our new TV. So far, we have seen “My Fair Lady,” “Camelot,” and “Gigi.” It is difficult for me to pinpoint my favorite. They all are very enjoyable and very well made. I love the music, the lyrics, the plot, the costumes, everything!

See the source image
See the source image
See the source image

Alan Jay Lerner was an American librettist, who wrote the lyrics for these three musicals. He was just amazing. He said he would decide where a song would go in the plot and determine the mood of the song. Then, the composer (Frederick Loewe) would compose the music. When that was done, Lerner would write the words. Though he wrote “I could have danced all night” (“My Fair Lady”) in 24 hours, he usually spent months writing a single song. Each song was literally a labor of love.

Lerner won several Academy awards as well as other honors. But, his life was a tragic one. He was married and divorced 8 times. He said that he was no damn good at marriage, but he also was no damn good at bachelorhood. His divorce settlements impoverished him. When he died, he owed the IRS $1 million, and he was unable to pay for his medical treatment.

Here he is, smoking a cigarette. He died of lung cancer in 1986 at age 67:

See the source image

I just love his songs. Songs that are easy to listen to and comprehend. I find it so difficult to understand modern rap music. The words fly by me and I just don’t get it.

When will there ever be a writer like him again?

Alan Jay Lerner, I implore you: Come back to life!

I love you, I adore you!!!

21 Responses to “Alan, I love you, I adore you!”

  1. DavidH Says:

    I too love his lyrics. When it comes down to it, there are so many great musicals and so many great lyricists. Broadway and the American theatre are one of a kind.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:


  3. Olga Says:

    Gotta love your enthusiasm!

  4. Doug M Says:

    Thanks Gigi, that was an interesting but sad reading of Lerner–married 8 times! Still, you have to admire his genius… a real shame :^(

  5. Nancy Chan Says:

    Good that you are watching the musicals on your TV and enjoying them in the comfort of your home. Have a wonderful day.

  6. DJan Says:

    I didn’t really appreciate rap until “Hamilton” made me a convert. And Amanda Gorman’s lyrics are sort of a light rap. Thanks for reminding me of those old classics.

  7. marmeladegypsy Says:

    You’re right and I so agree. There were some wonderful songs in his collection with some very clever lyrics. They stand the test of time.

  8. wisewebwoman Says:

    I’ve often thought of these 8 times married blokes (Larry King being another) that they’re incapable of intimacy in the real sense of the word. Always hunting for a fresh (and young) face to sort them out and failing. Never looking inward.

    I agree on the music (being a long time musical fan). It ‘s sublime.


  9. Elephant's Child Says:

    I am so glad that you are enjoying your new toy.
    I wonder why it is that so many artistic geniuses cannot settle to an ‘ordinary’ life?

  10. Arkansas Patti Says:

    You are really getting the best out of that new TV. So glad you can bring these treasures into your home.

  11. Hank Chapin Says:

    I saw “My Fair Lady” on stage in 1958 when I was in college at Columbia. Julie Andrews played Liza and was marvelous. Speaking of costumes, as you did, I vividly remember the Ascot Races scene. All the high class toffs and snobs, dressed in black and white only, their head movements choreographed to simultaneously follow the 🐎 horses, was a visual delight. As a student, I had standing room only tickets. No problem if you are 21. There is a brass rail in the back of the theatre and you lean on that, and you are 21, and you couldn’t care less, because you have a clear view of “MY FAIR LADY,” the absolute talk of the town at that time. And—something I did not know about—you get to snuggle with your date because she is right in front of you for the whole performance.

    • gigihawaii Says:

      So, your date is in front of you. I can imagine where your hands go. Haha. I wish I had seen the stage performance, starring Julie Andrews. That must have been incredible.

      • Hank Chapin Says:

        Ha, that’s a good one. However, it was the circumspect, buttoned-up Fifties, a first blind date to entertain a visiting tourist from South Carolina, and I have strong Boy Scout tendencies. A year later, I visited her in Spartanburg, SC. Within an hour, the local grapevine produced her seething fiancé. And that was all she wrote.

  12. Christine Says:

    Glad you are enjoying!

  13. Lois Evensen Says:

    Oh, yes, we love the old classics, too! The music and the stories are timeless. Christmas week we had Sound of Music running over and over while we trimmed the tree and prepared holiday food.

  14. Valerie-Jael Says:

    He was very talented! Valerie

  15. Rain Frances Says:

    He was definitely very talented! I loved My Fair Lady! 🙂 Oh, I’m with you Gigi…I can’t “get” rap music or any modern music too much to be honest!

  16. Denise A Gullickson Says:

    Three wonderful musicals, all of which I enjoyed and look forward to seeing them again at the next opportunity.

  17. Joared Says:

    I love musicals! My earliest introduction to the movie versions was when I was a young girl — 16 cents at the local theater. “Cabin In The Sky” was the first time I saw Lena Horne whose singing I liked ever after. “South Pacific” was always a favorite and I recall seeing the original Broadway Bloody Mary in a live stage production in St. Louis at the Muny Opera. Probably one of my most favorite movie was “American In Paris” with Gene Kelley and Leslie Caron — but George Gershwin’s music is what I especially love.

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