Daegu, South Korea

We recently watched “House Hunters International” on TV. An American was looking for lodging in Daegu, South Korea. The cameras followed him all around the city.

Daegu now is the fourth largest city in South Korea with 2.5 million residents. There are U.S. Army and Air Force bases located in Daegu.

My paternal grandparents immigrated to Hawaii from Daegu in 1904. They were already married and had two children. My father was born later in 1909.

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This is a photo of Daegu, South Korea in 1904, the year my paternal grandparents left the area. Commoners lived in this type of housing with roofs thatched with straw. The wealthy, on the other hand, lived in houses with roofs lined with tile:

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Note the clothing back then:

The wealthy lived in elegant structures like these:

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This is Daegu in 2020. It’s a very modern metropolis. The view from that tower must be awesome:

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Images of Korean cuisine, which consists of rice, vegetables and meat:


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This is a photo of David and me in Seoul, South Korea (October 2002). We were there to witness my deceased maternal grandparents being honored as Patriots of Korea by the South Korean government. We donned this clothing (worn by nobility) and posed for the camera at the Korean Folk Village, a tourist spot:

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see Daegu, which was further south. I probably won’t travel to Korea again. But, thanks to the internet, I can learn more about Korea without actually being there.

15 Responses to “Daegu, South Korea”

  1. DavidH Says:

    That was a wonderful trip in 2002 where we experienced the Korean culture firsthand. Whenever we long for Korean food again we visit our local restaurant “Yummys” which has some awesome plate lunches. I understand that about 20,000 Koreans live in Hawaii so my wife and her family are not alone.

  2. Valerie-Jael Says:

    How interesting to see the development of the place over the past century. The food looks great, too, and you and David look great in your ceremonial robes. Valerie

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …the internet makes virtual travel possible.

  4. AC Says:

    We have a niece and nephew who taught ESL in Korea for a year or two.

  5. Doug M Says:

    Great post, Gigi–loved the family history, the photos then & now and those Korean food pics. That one of you & David looks very colorful. I’d love to see South Korea in person!

  6. wisewebwoman Says:

    Grandgirl lived in Korea for a while and absolutely loved it. We all love Korean food. But your pics introduced us to some more.

    You’ve had a wonderful life Gigi.


  7. Arkansas Patti Says:

    That must have been a proud day for you when they were honored. So glad you got at least a virtual trip via the Househunter show. The food looks amazing.

  8. Christine Says:

    Interesting post! I never developed a taste for kimchi but I like Korean food otherwise.

  9. Elephant's Child Says:

    How lovely that you could revisit the home of your ancestors. And how proud you must have been to go back when they were being honoured.

  10. DJan Says:

    I have never been to South Korea, but you have introduced me to its past and some wonderful food as well!

  11. Nancy Chan Says:

    I have never been to Korea. Interesting to see the change in Daegu. The food looks interesting. Both of you look great in the colourful clothing of Korea.

  12. Iris Empereur Says:

    Interesting, sad you could not really visit that place. Very cute pic of you two! And all the yummy food!

  13. marmeladegypsy Says:

    This post was fascinating, Gigi. I’m so glad you had the photos of both old and new, and of course the family connection is powerful. You two look so regal in your gorgeous robes! And I’m sure you ate very well!

  14. honoluluaunty91 Says:

    Very interesting and yummy!

  15. Olga Says:

    You look very royal indeed.
    It is kind of great to be able to see places in the world without leaving home these days using the internet and travel channels. Much harder to taste the cuisine though!

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