The pursuit of happiness

Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii.


It’s been a long time since I went to the beach. The last time was in November 2012, when David and I snorkeled at Hanauma Bay. Now, I have such a hard time walking (even with a stroller), so the beach is out of the question.

I am not in good health. There are so many things wrong with me. My most urgent issue right now is high blood pressure, probably due to the stress of being David’s caregiver. My BP hits 170/100. So, Dr. Ricalde has taken me off Telmisartan and has prescribed Hydralazine. Let’s see if it works. I can’t take Amlodipine (causes leg swelling) and Lysinopril (chronic coughing). He also took me off Hydrochlorothiazide, as it decreased my sodium to below normal level.

If I die of a stroke, then, too bad. Adios, amigo. Nice knowing you.

My friends are still traveling the world. How I envy them! Karen just returned from Dubai and Egypt. Suzanne returned from Japan. And Vicky will be spending a month in France. These friends are all my age (78), but they are in better health.

Meanwhile, I pursue happiness in a less aggressive way. I have my music (violin and stereo), TV (Asian dramas), computer (blogging), and luncheon guests (family and friends).

Nothing spectacular. Haha.

17 Responses to “The pursuit of happiness”

  1. davidmgascoigne Says:

    Keep on living life for as long as you can as best you can. That’s all you can do.

  2. MIN SUNG CHUN Says:

    Dear Gigi,

    This is Min Sung Chun, your friend from Korea doing PhD program at the University of Florida. Today’s your posting worries me. I did a graduate presentation in front of graduate students and professors last year about diet treatment on diabetes and high blood pressure. I hope you can watch this.

    Your mother’s country, Korea, is full of wisdom and persistence. Please believe in me and the Korean doctor and try the diet treatment for only two days. You won’t need any medications for your blood pressure. I eat uncooked chopped kales and an apple every morning. my blood pressure needs to be cared, too.

    I tried to paste a photo of my morning dish here but I couldn’t.

    Please try this diet treatment for two days!


    Min Sung Chun

    P.S. Please let me know if you can watch my presentation video or not. if you can’t please send me your email.

    Mine is

    • gigihawaii Says:

      I watched your video. Thank you. That diet is too vegan for me to follow. My sister’s husband was a vegan but he still had 4 clogged
      arteries and cancer. He died at age 65.

  3. minsungch8f35963fb3 Says:

    Hello Gigi,

    This is Min Sung again. If you are hungry, eat bananas.


    Min Sung Chun

  4. minsungch8f35963fb3 Says:

    Dear Gigi,

    Here is my last year’s presentation video at my school on diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Please try diet treatment of eating uncooked fresh chopped kales and an apple every meal and when you are hungry, eat bananas. That’s what I do.

    I also take care of my hypertension.

    Take care!

    Min Sung Chun

  5. minsungch8f35963fb3 Says:

    Dear Gigi,

    Try at least for two days. Your BP will drastically decrease!

    Min Sung Chun

  6. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …celebrate the things that you can do, not the things that you can’t.

  7. Valerie Frau Tups Says:

    i think we all need to be contented with what we have. What others have is not important. I hope your BP goes down, that’s too much! Keep as well as you can, hugs, Valerie

  8. Doug M Says:

    Gigi, I sure am sorry for those high BP numbers. I had the same problem you did with amlodipine, it really caused my lower legs to swell on 10 mg daily. But my doctor insisted I stay on it, and after a few months the swelling went away. It controls my numbers very well. Anyway, I think you have a nice life. I know the caregiving can get stressful, but you do have nice Hobbies and I always enjoy seeing your get togethers in your home. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  9. marmeladegypsy Says:

    “Nothing spectacular” can still be very fulfilling, Gigi. There are many ways we can find beauty and joy in very small, everyday things. Beaches can be a hard go, but perhaps there is a nearby park with a boardwalk where you can at least look at the water and spend some quiet time there with one of your daughters or a friend. You’ve had a tough year, Gigi, and you deserve some “me time.”

  10. sandyedwards8 Says:

    Yes, you are under a tremendous amount of pressure now because if anything happened to you, where would David be? That is true stress. You have done a magnificent job throughout this whole ordeal too! Absolutely amazing really, especially when It all happened suddenly, without warning. And day by day you have handled it all!  Hang in there. Stay strong. Wishing you good results with the change in your blood pressure medicine. 

  11. cmlk79 Says:

    sorry about the blood pressure, amlopidine caused my leg to swell too

  12. Linda Reeder Says:

    The saying goes, “You are what you eat.” Your Korean friend is trying to tell you something important. And if you want to be able to move, you have to keep moving. Just saying. I am sorry that you are having such struggles.

  13. Beatrice Says:

    You are such a strong person in so many ways, Gigi, and I was saddened to read of your health issues. But, as others have commented, it’s been a tough year for both you and David. Anyone could certainly have similar symptoms being a 24×7 caretaker. You have found ways to carve out “you” time and hopefully given more time, those BP numbers will decrease. Know that your blogger friends care and will cheer you on.

  14. AC Says:

    There is much to be said for living and ordinary yet contented life.

  15. Iris Empereur Says:

    I don´t know what to say.

    I “eat” from my memories of my travels cause back in the day we had real film cameras and most pics are in my head and heart. I hope I never suffer Alzheimer´s…

    I know, too, how lucky I am to be more or less fit! And Ingo is “more or less”, too. And I know how fast that can change (good bye then, amigo).

    I hope your mind can travel and I love that you are not jealous of your friends who can still do the real thing! You are a great person. A great carer (I was just for a little time).

    I wish you happiness from your mind and from the pics and stories your friends will tell you of their recent travels. A big hug from here…

  16. DeniseinVA Says:

    I am sorry to learn of your health issues Gigi and hope your BP can be managed. Not surprising considering what you’ve been through. Wishing you and David better times ahead.

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