David: Liquid Eggs

Have you ever heard of Liquid Eggs? Iris, my blog friend from Germany, commented that she hadn’t, and neither had I until Casie, David’s occupational therapist, advised me to buy it. The reason being that David has trouble cracking eggs with both hands due to balance issues. He needs to hang onto the counter with one hand to keep from falling. Liquid Eggs can be poured into an egg cooker with the other hand.

Liquid Eggs are comprised of egg whites plus vitamins, supplements and other additives:

David and Casie:

Egg cooker:

Voila! David’s omelet plus toast:

David said the Liquid Eggs taste like regular eggs, even though they are comprised of egg whites. No yolks. It’s fat free and cholesterol-free.

Last week Wednesday was Casie’s last day with David. She was an excellent occupational therapist, who solved a myriad of problems. Kudos to Casie! She will be missed.

18 Responses to “David: Liquid Eggs”

  1. davidmgascoigne Says:

    Nope, never heard of liquid eggs. I can still stand, walk, hop, run, cavort and do jumping jacks so I will continue to crack my own eggs. When we are out for a full day a hard boiled egg is always part of our picnic lunch.

  2. Beatrice Says:

    While I have heard of liquid eggs, I’ve never tried them and glad that these will provide a solution for you and David. I know that you will both miss Cassie and her helpfulness.

  3. cmlk79 Says:

    I have seen liquid eggs at the grocery store.

  4. Kay G. Says:

    Yes! I’ve heard of them but didn’t know they were really egg whites. Do they add color to make them yellow? Well done, David! You are really doing great and looking good! Pat yourself on the back, but wait til you are seated. Balance issues are something you must always keep in mind.

  5. Iris Empereur Says:

    It is just the egg whites? I love the yolk… I googled it – I think we don´t have that here in Germany – but great you have a solution for independence!

  6. ValerieJael Tups Says:

    I hope David is enjoying cooking his own meals! Casie is a great helper.

  7. breakfastplace Says:

    Looks like there is a lot of progress towards helping people adjust to medical changes.

  8. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …nice to have some good progress.

  9. Maryellen Says:

    I remember at a group youth activity, the kitchen staff used liquid eggs and baked them like a casserole, then scrambled them up to serve. I don’t remember the taste, but if it were bad, I think I would remember! What a great life hack. You had the best therapists!

  10. Linda Reeder Says:

    I have heard of liquid eggs also but didn’t know they were only egg whites. It’s a great convenience for David, and healthier too.

  11. dkzody Says:

    I’m wondering if because of weight and cholesterol that David was told to get the whites-only liquid eggs. There is a product at our Whole Foods that has the whole egg in a carton. About a half dozen per container.

    So far, we eat so few eggs and I nor Terry have any problem cracking eggs to create a need for the liquid eggs. However, I have thought that would be a good idea for making meringues, where only the whites are used.

    Terry uses one egg a week when he makes pancakes and I use an egg here and there for baking. It takes us a long time to use a dozen eggs and there have been times I will only buy a 6-egg package.

  12. Doug M Says:

    I’ve seen those liquid eggs before too, and often wondered how they tasted. The next time I go to the store I’m buying it! PS David is looking pretty trim here, I’m impressed. 🙂

  13. marmeladegypsy Says:

    The kind I see here are called Egg Beaters but the same deal. That’s a great idea for David.

  14. AC Says:

    I’ve seen them in the store but never tried them. I am somewhat surprised that they taste good.

  15. DJan Says:

    I have a hard boiled egg every morning with yogurt. Of course, need to peel the egg first.

  16. DeniseinVA Says:

    They are sold in our local supermarket and I bought them once. Ideal for David’s needs. Thank you for reminding me about them. I will try again

  17. threeamigosmama Says:

    Who knew that there are such eggs out there. Glad to see David being mobile.

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