Improving our home

This is the bathroom cabinet that David installed recently. We purchased it at Lowe’s, and it measures 23” x 30” x 7”.  We love it.  David keeps asking why we didn’t buy it to begin with.  My response is that I had no idea such a thing existed.

Lovely, isn’t it? I like the cubicles for the toilet paper and bath soap:

Bathroom cabinet 009-A

Bathroom cabinet 006-A

Our home renovation continues. We plan to buy 12 floor tiles for the area in front of our two exterior doors.  We will hire someone to cut out the carpet and install the tiles.  This will keep the carpet from getting wet or dirty when people enter our house.

Oh, I do enjoy improving our home. It helps to be a homeowner rather than a renter.  I have been both, but prefer to be an owner, because I am free to alter my abode as I see fit without prior approval from a landlord.

I am indeed blessed.

19 Responses to “Improving our home”

  1. denise Says:

    David is very clever to instal your cabinet, which looks lovely.

  2. DJan Says:

    What a nice cabinet! It is nice to improve one’s home. I once had one of those cabinets that installed over the toilet but was attached with poles to the ceiling. I loved it. I might go get another one, now that you’ve reminded me of how nice they are. 🙂

  3. Granny Annie Says:

    That is exactly what I need! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Olga Says:

    There is so much satisfaction in owning one’s home…but a lot of work as well. It really is a two person operation to keep up, which is why I contemplate downsizing in the future.
    Give your live in handyman a big hug!

  5. Christine Says:

    Lowe’s has wonderful bath cabinets, and great that David is so handy.

  6. Linda Starr Says:

    Great use of space in the bathroom; I need a cabinet in our small bathroom but hardly any room to put it, I’m looking for a floor cabinet because I have a window on one wall with a inset medicine cabinet above the sink and the other wall is needed to walk by to get to the shower, tiny bathroom is hard to organize.

  7. SchmidleysScribbling Says:

    Home ownership is grand, but sometimes I miss the convenience of calling the maintenance man when something is in need of repair. David did a good job for years, but now I must call a handyman for simple tasks. You are fortunate your David can still do the work himself. And yeas, I like your new cabinets. I installed two of them in Davdis bathroom, but he still manages to leave clutter all over the sink counter. I mean who needs three razors, David apparently.

  8. L...w Says:

    Nice cabinet!! Wish I had a wall to install one like yours 😉

    • L...w Says:

      Just be careful to open the doors using the knobs. Handling the edges would prematurely wear the veneer and damage the underlying material, usually not wood. Also lining the shelves may help prolong shelf life (haha). I love the products at Lowes too, and we installed their white sink bath cabinet in our bathroom. Wiping down any water spills on the cabinet helps keeping it look new.

  9. mageb Says:

    That’s charming.

  10. Suzanne Says:

    That looks great. It is a bummer when things fall in the toilet.

  11. dkzody Says:

    I love your new cabinet. Perhaps I should replace the one in our master bath. It 37 years old. We actually moved it here from our tiny condo that had only one bathroom with almost no storage space.

    Here, we have two baths and each has a large cabinet below the sinks. I had planned to buy a second one for the hall bath after we moved in, but found we had so much under-the-counter storage in there that it was unnecessary.

    I bought our original cabinet at Mervyn’s, and it’s in harvest gold, a color one can no longer buy. Perhaps I should take a picture and do a blog post about my ‘antique’ bathroom cabinet!

  12. Keeping it all in the 70s | Dkzody's Weblog Says:

    […] in Missouri and Gigi in Hawaii have been doing home remodeling and posting about the makeovers. There have been bathroom […]

  13. Kathy G Says:

    I stopped over from dkzody’s to see your bathroom work. Must be something in the air, because we’ve just had our done, too.

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