Grant: My talented son-in-law

Maria’s husband, Grant, was in the news recently for the second consecutive year. As a teacher in the Gifted and Talented program at his school, he guides 4th, 5th and 6th graders on year-long projects, which benefit the school and community.

Last year, he was featured on TV News as the teacher facilitating an art project to beautify the fence opposite the school. This fence had been covered with ugly graffiti and was an embarrassing eyesore. Grant and another teacher took the students to Kakaako to look at the street art there. They discussed what looked nice and what didn’t. After that experience, the students designed and painted an abstract mural with geometric shapes. It now hangs permanently on the fence.

This year, Grant and his students were on TV News, again, featuring their aquaponics garden, which produced fruits and vegetables. The students decided to sell their produce and donate the proceeds to Aloha Harvest, which is the largest food distribution organization in Hawaii.

Grant and his students persuaded other farmers and vendors to gather at a school fair, where goods could be sold to the community. This event took place one Friday evening in April from 5:30-8:30 pm. It was a resounding success. Unfortunately, David and I didn’t attend, because we both have limited mobility, especially David.

Needless to say, we are extremely proud of our son-in-law. He has proven to be an asset to our family, to his school, and to the community. Kudos to Grant!

Maria and Grant on their wedding day (2004):

17 Responses to “Grant: My talented son-in-law”

  1. minsungch Says:

    Wow, you must be very proud of your son-in-law Grant!!!πŸ™β€οΈπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸŽ†

  2. davidmgascoigne Says:

    He sounds like a fine young man.

  3. Beatrice Says:

    Your pride is showing in your son-in-law, Gigi, and he is indeed a talented and special man, so kudos are definitely in order.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller Says:

    …a beautiful couple.

  5. marmeladegypsy Says:

    Three cheers for Grant. He and Mara make a lovely couple, too!

  6. Doug M Says:

    What a nice read and what a great photo of Grant and his students! I knew the first time I saw him on here there was something special about him. πŸ™‚

  7. Maryellen Says:

    He sure sounds like quite a guy! Great projects. And what a lovely wedding photo.

  8. AC Says:

    Kudos for both having the idea and then the willingness to do the work to make it happen.

  9. Lois Evensen Says:

    I can see why you are so very proud of Grant! What a wonderful young man! My children were in gifted programs for most of their school careers and I know how very important their teachers and counselors were! Positive encouragement can make all the difference for children who have so much to offer!

  10. Iris Empereur Says:

    Biggest thumbs up!!!! How wonderful! There should be more people like him!

    Cute pic, too!

  11. Christine Says:

    Congrats to Grant! Beautiful wedding photo.

  12. Valerie Frau Tups Says:

    A ND wow, he’s so handsome, too. Have a great weekend!

  13. DJan Says:

    He sounds like a very fine young man. Congratulations to him on his being recognized for his talents.

  14. Linda Reeder Says:

    Well done, Grant!

  15. Elephant's Child Says:

    Huge congratulations to this fine young man. An asset to his community as well as his family.

  16. dkzody Says:

    How wonderful to inspire and motivate those gifted students to do good for their community.

  17. DeniseinVA Says:

    Your son-in-law is amazing! Such a great role model for his students, and for us all. Gorgeous wedding photo, a beautiful bride and handsome groom.

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