Staying home with David

scenic hawaii 004-A

Hawaiian seascape.

If he gets clearance from his doctor, David intends to return to work on Thursday.  He had originally planned on returning next Monday, but has been experiencing cabin fever.  Funny, I don’t consider my life boring, but he does.  Hmmm.  He says he needs to work, partly because we need the money and partly because he always needs to be doing something.  He can’t see himself doing nothing.

We watched “Anna Karenina” yesterday on Netflix.  It stars Keira Knightley and Jude Law.  What a beautiful couple they made!  I enjoyed the movie immensely and thought that Leo Tolstoy would have liked this adaptation of his novel.

After the movie, I googled Keira Knightley and Jude Law for more information about them.  Keira is 28 years old and Jude is 40. I was surprised by Jude’s age, because he seemed much younger in the movie.  I can see why he would be such a heart throb to so many women.  Quite the handsome dude!

I can’t wait to see  the next movie on Netflix.  It’s really convenient to watch movies at home, because we can pause them to go to the bathroom or the kitchen any time.

P.S.  I erred.  It was Aaron Taylor-Johnson who played Anna’s lover.  I consider him to be the handsome one, not Jude Law, who portrayed Anna’s husband.

11 Responses to “Staying home with David”

  1. DJan Says:

    I like to be out and about, too. Then when I come home, it’s a place to relax and enjoy myself. Good thing we are all different, isn’t it?

  2. Suzanne Says:

    I know people like David. I am not 100% sure I am one of them.

  3. SchmidleysScribbling Says:

    I recently rejoined and will keep Netflix until i get to the point I don’t watch the films anymore. I got rid of the movie channel package my cable provider offers, because we never watched any of the movies. Most nights we watch PBS channel WETAUK here in DC. All British programming and wonderful.

    Jude Law’s best rolls are when he is a scumbag. He seldom is cast as the hero. I wondered if he played the dastardly fellow who abandoned Anna?

    I don’t like Keira Knightly. She went ‘Hollywood’ a few years ago, and was fine before then. I loved her in “Bend it like Beckham. A wonderful film.

  4. Linda Reeder Says:

    I’m glad you liked Anna K. I did too. Keira is so beautiful.
    I’m happy to hear David is doing better, enough to go back to work, and it is good to be needed.

  5. Christine Says:

    The movie sounds good. I remember Jude Law’s not that tall really. He was in ‘The Holiday’ with Cameron Diaz, I loved that movie for its fairy tale quality.

    David will be back at work before he knows it!

  6. L...w Says:

    I realize that I would like to work part time during our early sixties if that is possible. I’ve been “engineering” this for the past year by limiting the amount and type of work we do. I’m hoping for a soft landing where the amount we earn is enough to travel more than once a year but not a lot that we feel we’re not retired.

  7. Musings Says:

    Jude Law played the part of Anna’s suffering husband, Karenin right? Count Vronsky (the lover) is played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson. They really changed Jude Law’s looks in the movie. I haven’t wanted to see it because the story is so darn depressing.

  8. Musings Says:

    I’m not sure of this, however. I just remember seeing a photo of Jude Law and being surprised it was him.

    I’m glad David is feeling better and wanting to get out and do things.

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