Gigi’s new muumuus

I recently purchased 5 new muumuus from T&L Muumuu Factory. The early American missionaries introduced muumuus to the Hawaiian women centuries ago. Needless to say, I love to wear clothing that is comfortable and machine washable. Remember: I don’t live in New York City anymore. I live in Hawaii.

Same design pattern with V-neck and 3/4 sleeves, but different colors:

7 Responses to “Gigi’s new muumuus”

  1. David Says:

    Those look amazing! You have a real eye for beauty. The cooler weather is coming and your muumuus are a great fit. Such lightweight clothing would not work on most parts of the mainland. Hawaii is by far the most livable state and I am honored to be able to live here!

  2. Olga Says:

    Very nice, Gigi. The variety of colors and patterns make a simple wardrobe choice very versatile as we’ve seen in your posts of being out and about or entertaining in your home.

  3. DJan Says:

    Very nice muumuu choices. I like the first one the best. đŸ™‚

  4. Kay G. Says:

    I like all of them but I think I like the red one best. I love red.

  5. wisewebwoman Says:

    I love the red. Mumus would not work here, LOL. I haven’t worn dress type clothing in yonks. I’m a jeans woman basically.


  6. Christine Says:

    They all look different so this is a win win

  7. Elephant's Child Says:

    They look so very comfortable. Machine washable is an essential for me.

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