George’s house has been sold

The house across the street from us was just sold after our friend, George, passed away last June. He was 100 years 8 months old. The house was sold for $860,000:

We invited George and his wife, Clare, in the pink dress, to our home for dinner in October 2010. They were in their early 90s when this photo was taken. Both are now deceased:

We wonder what our new neighbors will be like.

9 Responses to “George’s house has been sold”

  1. David Says:

    I just realized that George’s house was assessed at $842,000. It sold about $8,000 over assessed value. I understand that George paid about $30,000 for the house around 1962. It just shows that real estate in Hawaii is by far the best investment in the United States!

  2. DJan Says:

    Wow, that is some increase in value! Everyone who bought in the 1960s is able to sell their home for more than they paid, but this is an amazing figure! 🙂

  3. wisewebwoman Says:

    Ah it’s always sad to see the old ways leaving and new ones taking over. I hope your new neighbours are pleasant.


  4. Olga Says:

    I hope new neighbors are as friend worthy as the last.

  5. Elephant's Child Says:

    George and Clare both look excellent – and happy.
    Like everyone else I hope your new neighbours are pleasant.

  6. Christine Says:

    And time marches on…I wonder who their beneficiaries were.

  7. Cathy Says:

    Trouble with real estate these days is there’s no ‘worst house in the best street’ to be had anymore.
    Unless you downsize considerably you’ll probably be looking to pay the same or similar to what you sold for.
    Here’s to like minded neighbours!

  8. Tom at Sightings Says:

    Well, one thing you’ll know about them. They’ll be rich! Hope they’re nice and friendly too!

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